Department of A.I.H.C. and Archaeology

Departmental Committee : A.I.H.C. and Archaeology

The Composition of the Departmental Committee is made under Section XVI.3.A. of the Bye-Laws of the University comprising of the following members for the period of academic year 2023-2024.

1. Head of the Department Chairperson Prof. P.D.Sable
2. All Professors in the Department Member Dr. Shahida Ansari
3. Two Associate Professors in the Department by rotation in order of seniority (for a period of one year) Member a) Dr. Veena M. Tripathy
b) Dr. (Smt.) Arati Deshpande-Mukherjee
4. Two Assistant Professors in the Department by rotation in order of seniority (for a period of one year) Member a) Dr. Gurudas Shete
b) Dr. Nisha Sawant