Administrative Boards

Board of Trustees

In accordance with the provision in the Transfer Deed, the appointments of the Trustees are made by the State Government which comprises

Committees/Bodies as per amendments to the Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research Institute Rules, 2000 of the University.

In accordance with the provision in the Transfer Deed, the State Government was given the task of preparing the rules for the management of the Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research Institute. Accordingly, the Government of Maharashtra prepared the Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research Institute Rules, 2000. Later on the UGC has instructed the University to modify its Rules in accordance with UGC (Institutions Deemed to be Universities) Regulations, 2010. Accordingly, the University has made amendments to the Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research Institute Rules, 2000, in accordance with UGC (Institutions Deemed to be Universities) Regulations, 2010. The State Government has given its concurrence for these rules and the same are in force.

1. Vice-Chancellor, University of Pune Chairperson
2. Director of Higher Education, State of Maharashtra Member
3. Nominee of the Jejeebhoy family Member
4. Two nominees of Government of Maharashtra Member
5. Honorary Administrator Non Member
6. Secretary Non Member
Board of Management

The Board of Management of the University is made as per Rule 10.05 of the UGC (Institutions Deemed to be Universities) Regulations, 2019, Notification dt. 20th February 2019

1. Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Chairperson
2. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Member
3. Three eminent academics as nominated by the Chancellor, who shall have worked at the rank of Professor and shall neither be from the DCDU or the Trust nor be their relatives. Member
4. A representative of State Government who shall be an eminent academic not below the rank of Professor, as the DCDU received grants more than 50% of its expenditure from the State Government directly. Member
5. Two teachers of DCDU (one from Professors and one from Associate Professors) by rotation based on inter-se-seniority. Member
6. Maximum of four nominees of the Board of Trustees of the Deccan College Poona Trust to be nominated by the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Member
7. Registrar, Deccan College Ex-officio Secretary
Academic Council

The Academic Council is made under Rule 10 of the amendments to the Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research Institute Rules, 2000 of the University comprising the following members:

1. Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Chairperson
2. Pro Vice-Chancellor Member
3. Heads of Departments Member
4. Ten Professors from all the Departments, other than the Head of the Department (by rotation of seniority) Member
5. Three Associate Professors from all the Departments, other than the Head of the Department (by rotation of seniority) Member
6. Three Assistant Professors from all the Departments, (by rotation of seniority) Member
7. Three scholars who are not in the service of the Institute and who have specialized knowledge in the fields i.e. Archaeology, linguistics and Sanskrit, that are being studied at the Institute, to be nominated by the Board of Management on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor. Member
8. Three persons who are not members of the teaching staff, co-opted by the Academic Council for their specialized knowledge Member
9. Registrar, Deccan College Secretary
Planning and Monitoring Board

The Planning and Monitoring Board is made under Rule 14.B. of the amendments to the Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research Institute Rules, 2000 of the University comprising the following members:

1. Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Chairperson
2. Director of Education or his representative not below the rank of the Joint Director Member
3. One representative of the University Grants Commission Member
4. Seven internal members to be nominated by the Board of Management from amongst it non-ex-officio members Member
5. Three scholars who are not in the service of the Institute and who have specialized knowledge in the fields that are being studied in the Institute to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor Member
6. Registrar Member Secretary
Finance Committee

1. Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Chairperson
2. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Member
3. A person nominated by the Deccan College Poona Trust Member
4. Two nominees of the Board of Management, one whom shall be a member of the Board Member
5. A representative of the Central Government Member
6. A representative of the State Government (Director of Education or his representative) Member
7. Finance Officer Secretary
Board of Studies

The Board of Studies is made under Rule 20.B. of the amendments to the Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research Institute Rules, 2000 of the University comprising the following members for a period of three years.

1. Head of the Department Chairperson
2. All Professors of the Department Member
3. Two Associate Professors of the Department by rotation of seniority Member
4. Two Assistant Professors of the Department by rotation of seniority Member
5. Not more than Two experts to be co-opted for their expert knowledge from outside the Institute on the basis of recommendation made by the Board of Studies and approved by the Vice-Chancellor. Member
Campus Development Committee

The Campus Development Committee is made under Rule 22.D. of the amendments to the Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research Institute Rules, 2000 of the University comprising the following members for a period of three years

1. Vice-Chancellor Chairperson
2. Pro Vice-Chancellor Member
3. One professional in land development and building maintenance to be nominated by the Chairperson Member
4. One member of the Board of Trustees of the Deccan College Poona Trust other than the Director of Education to be nominated by the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Member
5. Estate Officer/Registrar, Deccan College Secretary
Departmental Committee
Department of Archaeology

The Departmental Committee is made under Section XVI.3.A. of the Bye-Laws of the University comprising of the following members for the period of academic year ending June 2022.

1. Head of the Department Chairperson Prof. P.D.Sable

All Professors in the Department

Member Prof. P.D.Sable
3. Two Associate Professors in the Department by rotation in order of seniority (for a period of one year) Member a) Dr. Shahida Ansari
b) Dr. Abhijit Dandekar
4. Two Assistant Professors in the Department by rotation in order of seniority (for a period of one year) Member a) Dr. (Smt.) Amrita Sarkar
b) Dr. Gurudas Shete

Department of Linguistics

The Departmental Committee is made under Section XVI.3.A. of the Bye-Laws of the University comprising of the following members for the period of academic year ending June 2022.

1. Head of the Department Chairperson Prof. (Mrs.) Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi

All Professors in the Department

Member --
3. Two Associate Professors in the Department by rotation in order of seniority (for a period of one year) Member a) Vacant
b) Vacant
4. Two Assistant Professors in the Department by rotation in order of seniority (for a period of one year) Member a) Dr. R.N. Mhaiskar
b) Dr. (Ms.) Shubhangi Kardile

Department of Sanskrit and Lexicography

The Departmental Committee is made under Section XVI.3.A. of the Bye-Laws of the University comprising of the following members for the period of academic year ending June 2021-22.

1. Head of the Department Chairperson Prof. Prasad Joshi

All Professors in the Department

Member Prof. Prasad Joshi
3. Two Associate Professors in the Department by rotation in order of seniority (for a period of one year) Member a) Vacant
b) Vacant
4. Two Assistant Professors in the Department by rotation in order of seniority (for a period of one year) Member a) Dr. (Smt.) S. P. Sumant
b) Dr. (Smt.) Pradnya Deshpande
Examination Committee

The Examination Committee is made under Section XVI.4.A. of the Bye-Laws of the University comprising the following members for the period of ..............................years.

1. Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Chairperson
2. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Member
3. Chairpersons of Boards of Studies Member
4. Two subject experts from amongst the members of the Board nominated under Rule 5A (x) and (xi) to be nominated by the Board Member
5. Deputy Registrar (Examination) Non-Member Secretary
Publication Committee

The Publication Committee is made under Section XVI.5.A. of the Bye-Laws of the University comprising of the following members for the period of 1/1/2020 to 31/12/2021.

1. Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Chairperson Prof. Pramod Kumar Pandey
2. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Member  
3. Heads of Departments Member a) Prof. Prasad Joshi
b) Prof. P.D.Sabale
c) Prof. Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi
4. Two members of the Academic Council to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Member a)Dr. Abhijit Dandekar
b) Dr. R.N. Mhaiskar
5. Registrar, Deccan College Non-Member Secretary Shri J.G.Kulkarni
Library Committee

The Library Committee is made under Section XVI.6.A. of the Bye-Laws of the University comprising the following members:

1. Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Chairperson
2. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Member
3. Registrar Member
4. Heads of Departments Member
5. Two members of the Academic Council to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor Member
6. Librarian Member-Secretary
Building and Works Committee

The Building and Works Committee is made under Section XVI.7.A. of the Bye-Laws of the University comprising the following members:

1. Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Chairperson
2. One member to be nominated by the Board from among its members Member
3. One representative of the Director of Education Member
4. Executive Engineer, State P.W.D. or his representative not below the rank of Deputy Executive Engineer Member
5. Finance Officer, Deccan College Member
6. Registrar, Deccan College Member
7. Estate Manager, Deccan College Member-Secretary
Campus Committee

The Campus Committee is made under Section XVI.8.A. of the Bye-Laws of the University comprising the following members:

1. Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Chairperson
2. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Deccan College Member
3. Registrar Member
4. Three persons from amongst the employees of the Institute residing on the campus to be nominated by the Director Member
5. Estate Manager Member-Secretary
Gymkhana Committee

The Gymkhana Committee is made under Section XVI.9.A. of the Bye-Laws of the University comprising of the following members:

1. Chairperson (to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from among the members of the Academic Staff) Chairperson
2. Treasurer (to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor)  
3. General Secretary to be elected by the members of the Gymkhana from amongst the students of the Institute  
4. Four Secretaries to be elected by the members of the Gymkhana  
Hostels Committee

The Hostels Committee is made under Section XVI.10.A. of the Bye-Laws of the University comprising of the following members:

1. Pro Vice-Chancellor Chairperson
2. Rector of the Men's Hostels Member
3. Warden of the Women's Hostels Member
4. Deputy Registrar (Administration) Member
5. Two representatives of students residing in hostels (one male, one female) Member
6. Estate Manager Member-Secretary