The allocation of the supervisor for a selected student shall be decided by the Department in a formal manner depending on the number of student per faculty member, the available specialization among the faculty supervisors, and the research interest of the student as indicated during interview by the student. The allotment/allocation of supervisor shall not be left to the individual student or teacher.
A student shall work under the supervision of a recognized research guide of the Institute. In due course of time if the research guide retires from service, the student can continue working under him. The admission application will be placed before the Departmental Committee at its meeting for consideration and approval. While approving the Ph.D. research proposal the Committee shall take all necessary steps to maintain the high quality of Ph.D. research being carried out at the University. Wherever necessary student will be invited to present Ph.D. proposal before the Selection Committee. At the time of interview and presentation the Committee may accept the proposal as is submitted or suggest changes in it. It may even suggest resubmission of the proposal incorporating changes suggested by the Committee or if found not suitable it may also reject the admission application.
At any given time a research guide shall not have more than 8 (Eight) research students (Ph.D.) working under his supervision.
Normally a student shall complete his doctoral research on the title & under the supervision of the research guide approved by the Departmental Committee. But, under exceptional circumstances, a student may be permitted, only once, to change the title of his research and/or the committee decides to transfer his registration from one guide to another only after the approval of the departmental committee. This change will be made before submission of his final synopsis. In case a change in the title is requested, the student shall submit the synopsis, signed by him and the guide again, whereas, for a change in guide, he shall submit a no objection certificate from the previous guide and willingness of the new guide provided further that the Departmental Committee approves such a change.
A research guide can accept fresh Ph.D. students as long as he is in regular service of the University, and is eligible to continue to guide students for five years after his retirement from the University.
On retirement from the Institute's service of a research guide it will remain the choice of the committee to either continue to work under the same guide or to change the guide. For a change in guide, the student shall submit a no objection certificate from the previous guide and willingness of the new guide, provided further that the Departmental Committee approves such a change.
If the student's proposed doctoral work is of an interdisciplinary nature, he may be allotted a co-research guide. The co-research guide may be a in-service or retired teacher from this or any other Institute, provided, he is an approved research guide of that University / Institute or a reputed scholar of excellence in the related field. The research guide shall be in charge of the Ph.D. programme.
Recognition as Post-Graduate Teacher by Research.
In accordance with Rule No.13.B.c) of the Revised Rules (2000) of the Institute the Academic Council on the recommendation of the Board of Studies shall approve recognition of Post-Graduate teachers by research in Archaeology, Linguistics & Sanskrit:
Readers and Professors in the Department shall be considered ex-officio Post- Graduate Teachers by Research.
A lecturer or a research staff of the Institute with a Ph.D. or equivalent degree of five years standing in the related subject and five years experience of post-graduate teaching by papers and independent research experience with publications in refereed journals shall be eligible for recognition as a Post-Graduate Teacher by Research.
A person recognized for Post-Graduate teaching by research will be permitted to guide students for their M.A. and Ph.D. dissertations.
A Post-Graduate Teacher by Research shall, at a given time:
Guide maximum 8 Ph.D. students;
Co-Guide a maximum of 02 Ph.D. students;
a)Guide/Co-Guide a maximum of 02 students for M.A./P.G.Diploma dissertations.